Sunday, June 29, 2014


Date: 2011, 2012 & 2013

Well, Well, Well
I've been to Hatyai, Songkhla 
often this past few years.
So this time terasa nak 
cerita la sikit pasal 
my favourite place ni... 
Thailand ni dah macam 
my 2nd home dah. Huhuhu 
Gitew la kekdahnyaaa...
I feel extremely happy and excited 
once we reached the border.
Well, all my sisters are.
We still can't figure out why.. 


Well I guess since Kedah 
is part of Siam once.
and the fact that our 
ancestors are from Siam,
so I guess that's what make us feel 
SOOOO happy visiting Thailand.
Happy warm feeling
 inside you know....


Well, since I'm an Alor Setarian, 
and Im from Kedah. 
So i just use borderpass 
to enter Thailand..
Its cheaper and faster... 
Sekali buat RM10, 
dengan 2 keping gambar passport.
Nak cop dekat border pun cepat.
Compared to passport. 
Ya laaaa, abeh bukan suma 
orang boleh pakai borderpass.

 Danoks Border

Satuns Border: Long Long Pasport Control Line

Sebenarnya, walaupun 
kami sefamili 
gemar benor melawat
Thailand, tapi hakikatnya 
kami cuma pernah pergi 
southern part of Thailand saja. 

Selain dekat dengan Kedah,
Kat sini senang nak 
cari makanan HALAL!
Huhuhu kemana pun
 dalam dunia ni yang kita 
travel, as a muslim, 
kawasan yang ada makanan
HALAL adalah yang dicari.

Kat bawah ni, aku akan 
list kan dan cerita sikit 
pasal kami punya favourite places &
tempat-tempat yang 
kami selalu pergi melawat
kat kawasan selatan Thai ni.
Here we go... Drum rolllllllll~!!!


MY father loveeeeee going to Thailand too.

Every time people ask his opinion for holiday
or family day or reunion.
Guess what his answer would be?
Pak Barra, Thailand! 
I still don't understand why.
I guess he just love the ocean 
and sea breeze and stuff.

We stay at Langka Beach Resort, Pak Barra

The Sea View

But no bathing allowed.

Kawasan dalam resort. 
Model tak berbayar sempat posing.

We stayed here for 2 days and 1 night.
There's nothing much to do here.
We went to one of the local minimart.
But they can't speak Malay nor English.
So, we just use "point" language. Haha
Pointing at stuff we want to buy.
Its easier that way though.

Kawasan ini pernah dilanda tsunami.
So, along the road you can see
 they stick up this signboard
"Tsunami Hazard Zone"

This sort of signboard...
sumber: Google Image Search

Tak salah aku, every Thursday,
 there's a night market here,
ada jual macam-macam. 
Tapi aku tak pernah terserempak 
lagi dengan night market ni, 
sebab selalu pergi sana 
hari Jumaat or Sabtu.
Takdak apa sangat la aktiviti
 yang boleh dibuat disini,
bagi aku laaa...

Tapi yang paling aku suka 
dekat sini of course, 
the sea breeze.
 Berangin hidung koooo~

Masa aku join geng KBKB 
(Koperasi Kedah),
kami punya rombongan
 makan-makan tepi pantai.
Tapi meja or kerusi memang takdak la. 
Makan ataih rumput jugak la jawapnya.
Lunch at 3pm is soooo not cool man.
Perut aku angin sebab pagi tu breakfast cuma
karipap sebiji dengan popia sebiji jugak.
Plus ubat angin....


Tapi masakan dia marvellous gila.
Thank you Kak Shila.
Ayam rendang, sayur campur 
dengan telur rebus.
Yang belum dikupas kulit.
Jadi oleh kerana terlalu 
banyak menonton Runningman,
maka kepala terpaksa digunakan 
untuk memecahkan telur.
Dalam hati mendoakan agar 
jangan jadi cam Kwangsoo..
Hahaha I love this guy~ =D

Runningman egg smash game

Mu Ko Phetra National Park

Taman Negara Pulau Petra terletak
 dekat dengan pekan Pak Barra.
So, since we don't have much to do,
 the group decided
to visit this National Park.

This place is supervised by 
Thais government.
To visit this place cost 
100B per person
(I've read about this somewhere,
when we visited this place,
 I was so into taking pics,
so I don't remember whether 
my dad pays for it or not)

Since we pay 100B, so, 
better make it worth it.
There's also a chalet here, 
it cost I think less then 1500B pernight.
This is the view that we manage to shoot,
since we already paid 100B kannn.. Huhuhu

One of the chalet~ 
 The restaurant~
Some more view~
Im trying to find a toilet here~
 come onnnn~ Hurry up!
*muka tak sabar*

I think they are secretly
 guarding the toilet.. Shhhh~
P/s: Jangan skodeng dah la nooo~

Pak Barra Jetty

This is the jetty to Koh Lipe.
I don't know how much does it cost.
But none of us want to ride it.
So, we just take pictures.. Again!

 Boat to Koh Lipe rasanya
 Ticket counter kot tak pun 
tourist guide punya office
 Fishing Boat
 Food Stall Near Jetty~

Satun Eagle Feeding

On one of my trip to Thailand,
we went to Satun for eagle feeding.
I tought we are going to 
held the food on our hand
and feed the eagles.
What am I thinking!
*tepuk dahi*

Sekali dia cakaq,
dengan hang2 terangkat.

So we arrived at Satuns Jetty.
Getting ready to 'feed' the eagle.

Tickets counter to Langkawi
Boats to watch eagle feeding 'ceremony'
Our boat 
Me & Yana

This is where you watch the feeding happen,
but then, there's no eagle when we arrive.
So we just take pics of ourselves.



This hotspring aaa.. Aiyaaaa...
Manyak jauh meh~
Masa nak smpai sini, sampai tertidur-tidur.
Siap jumpa gajah dulu, baru sampai.
I'm not sure where this is,
but this place is still under construction.
So we just sit there celup-celup kaki only.
But this place is nice.
You feel revive after you soak your feet in it.
The Best! 

Thai House of Honey, Hatyai

Well, this is a must visit place
 when you visit Hatyai IF 
you are using the service of a tour guide.
(coz they'll get commission if you 
buy the products from this store)

Ni bukan la favourite place,
tapi memandangkan kami ikut rombongan,
jadi tempat ni adalah tempat wajib! Huhu

There's this seminar room.
Where they'll show videos and
explain about their products.
They'll let you taste some of their honey.
Its very good but its a bit pricey..
There's honey, the bees brain,
and also the dust from the bees legs.
That's why its a bit expensive...

Dia akan bagi kita rasa air madu
yang sedap gila, maybe sebab
dibuat dengan air yang direndam dengan daun pandan.

Tapi yang dijual dalam botol tak la sesedap
yang depa bagi testing... 
Harga air tu kalau tak salah
20 bath kot. RM 2. 
Bleh la kalau nak merasa.

Hatyai Plaza

Oh Emm Gee!! My Favourite place of all...
Shopping time~!!!
There's a lot of stuff here.
Shoes, handbag, purse, t shirt, blouse..
You name it...

Please! Do bargain...
Put the cheapest price you can think of.
At least half the price that they are offering.
Usually, in a place like this,
the shop that is a bit hidden from people
are the easiest to bargain.

some of the stuff they sell at Hatyai Plaza

Lee Garden Plaza

LG is very famous with their street foods.
My favorite of course the PRAWN!!!!
Its huge. And its a bit pricey though.
And some of it are not so fresh, 
u'll have terrible time eating it
if you didn't choose the right stall.. Huhu
Other then that, my favorite would be 
their sticky rice called pulut.
Pulut Ayam (chicken), Pulut Mangga (mango),
Both are nice. 
The sweeter the mango, the better~

Kawasan ni obviously banyak 
sangat makanannya.
Tak susah nak cari makanan halal.
Kat bawah ni adalah kedai 
nasi goreng seafood.
Harga RM 5 sepinggan. 
Sedap jugak la. Boleh tahan.

 Ni ha kedainya~
Kat bawah ni nasi goreng seafoodnya.
Sedap jgk, walaupun tepi jalan ja..
Just right in front of Lee Garden Plaza Hotel

Nampak biasa ja kan? Huhuhu

Tapi the most important thing is.......
You have to try their 
Marvelous baq hang!
Yang atas ni cost around 20-30B ja kot.

Ada satu kedai aku 
and member singgah 
untuk beli teh ais, 
besar gila cup dia. 
Kami share 3 org..
Kenyang terlentang haaa.. 
Tudia... Hahaha

Kedai dia ada gambar Nichkhun,
duta dia la kot.
Aku tak fokus teh ais sgt, 
sebab gambar Nichkhun 
ada depan mata.

Please pronounce Nichkhun 
punya nama correctly,
kalau tak, depa pebetui 
sampai la betui..
Macam member aku Azwa kena.


Better practice people. Kekeke

Well, lepas makan-makan.
Boleh la ronda-ronda kawasan LG ni.
Ada banyak kedai-kedai jual gifts, souvenirs,
cloths, shoes, handbags and many more.
We visited this place 
and I got to meet Ironman.

Hello Tony!
 and also Mr Teddy. He's huge! 
Bigger then me pulak tu. Haha

Tang Kuan Hill

Depan cable car nak naik ke TKH

Tang Kuan Hill or as the tour guide
introduce to us as "Dog Hill"...
There's a cable car that 
we can ride on up to TKH...
RM3 @ 30 bath per person.
It takes about 5 to 10 minute 
to reach the top.
Tak tinggi mana, 
rendah dari Bukit Bendera, Penang.

The cable car lane~

On the top of TKH

You can see Koh Yo from the top...
The biggest lake I've ever seen.
Theres a tiny island inside the lake.
Well its not that tiny.
Look pretty huge to me..

View from the top~
Rasanya kat belakang tu la pulau dalam tasik tu. 
Koh Yo. Very famous dengan telur masin yang sedap.

There's a temple up on top of the hill,
where you can come with your partner
and pray for... I dont know..
Long lasting relationship maybe.

There's also a love bell and love lock.
Its so sweet though..
Since I came with my friends, 
so we just rang the bell repeatedly.
Oh how annoying~! Hahahaha


No, they are not a couple.. No!
Thats Yana and Azwa by the way~ =)

This lady sell coconut ice cream.
The one in TKH is the best! 
I've tasted a few.
But this one is definitely a must try!
You can choose any topping u want.
I think there's peanut 
and potato topping too.
Only 30 bath.
Plus you got a cup of 
coconut juice, for free!

Samila Beach

 Mermaid Statue, you can see Cat Island back there.

Samila Beach is famous 
for its mermaid statue
and its pure white sparkling sand.
*said the tour guide*
I love coming here.
The sea breeze. The white sand.
The mermaid statue.
Sort of bring me back to 
my childhood memory.
Coz i always believe in mermaid..
I even wish to meet one.

*suddenly singing "UNDER THE SEA"*

The 2nd famous statue is the Dragon Head.

There's 3 part of its body 
surrounding this place.
The head, the body and the tail. 

There's also two cute island named
"Pulau Tikus" and "Pulau Kucing"
(Rat Island and Cat Island)
The cat one shape like a cat,
But the mouse is named
 because its tiny, like a mouse.
I guess..

Ok what are the connection 
between the mouse, cat,
dog, dragon, mermaid and the sand?
Here what the tour guide told me.

A legendary story 
of Samila Beach.

"One day, 
there was this ship captain,
 he drop by on an island.
Later on, he took a dog 
and a cat to join him.
One day, the dog and 
the cat were talking to
each other about how
 they miss going back to the land.
Back to their village. 
But both can't swim.
After years of sailing
 together with the captain,
one day, the captain docked 
on an island near their village.
(usually big ship docked 
farther from the jetty right?) 
They badly want to go back 
to their village,but they cant.
Because none of them
 know how to swim.
One day, there was a 
heavy storm and all the ships
around the island sink, 
only their ship still float.
So one of the sailor, 
ask the captain.
How did they manage 
to survive the storm.
The captain said that 
he have a magical pearl 
that can make things float.
The cat and the dog were
 so thrilled knowing that
finally they have a chance 
to go back home.
They try to stole the pearl 
from the captains chamber.
But both cant enter the chamber 
because the hole 
to the room is so small
and obviously they can't open the door kan?
So they make a deal with a mouse who
happen to be longing to go 
to the land also.
Once they got the pearl, 
they began swimming to the land. 
The dog is biting the pearl, 
the cat is biting the dogs tail,
and the mouse is biting the cats tail.
Half way through, 
the dog feel tired and the pain from
the cat bite really annoy him.
They began to fight, and the dog, 
the mouse and the cat
got separated from each other,
 and they lost the pearl.
The dog can swim, 
so it reached the land,
but die eventually because 
he's too tired. (I guess)
The mouse can swim, 
but cant make it far, 
so it drown near the the beach,
 but the cat cant swim 
so it got drown instantly 
and die a bit farther from the beach.
The dog became a hill, 
while the cat and the mouse
became an island.
The pearl crash to the ocean floor and 
became the white sparkling sand.
The pearl shine so beautifully attracting 
the mermaid and the dragon to the place.
The villagers saw the mermaid and dragon.
So they make a statue remembering it."

Well, thats very much 
the legend as told by
our tour guide, Mr Amran.

Chang Puak Camp

This is another attraction in Hatyai.
Chang Puak Camp.
There's an elephant ride here.
If you want to ride on the elephant,
 it only cost 500 bath.
But... Since its way way too hot.
You can see from the photo, 
my parent cant hardly open their eyes.Haha
So we don't ride the elephant. 
But you can feed the Chang for only 100 bath.

Smiling chang. He is so happy, 
someone feed him.. *elephant sound*

There's also MTV ride that 
cost 500 bath per person.

MTV ride

Game tembak-tembak

Souvenir shops

Ice Dome Hatyai

Ice Dome Thailand.
I bet its great in there,
but i cant stand the temperature. 
-15 deg Celsius.
They even rent a jacket and a thick boots.
But I'm not sure about the price though.
There's an ice sculpture and 
you can play with the snow.
Its only cost 500 bath per person per entry 
if I'm not mistaken.
But since we were too tired, 
and none of us can't stand the coldness, 
we decide to just hang out at the cafeteria.

Daddy trying hot tea. 
That face shows how hot the tea is. 

Our tour guide Mr Amran and our bus driver

Nora Plaza

Nora Plaza ni memang banyak
 barang yang dia jual.
Leather lovers should visit here.
I think the price is ok. 
Since its leather kannnn.
There's crocodile meat in here too.
I know right? Ewwww~

Masa kita turun ja bas, 
akan ada budak-budak universiti
yang akan ambil gambar 
dan framekan begini.
Harga only 100B. 
Ni antara part time job student-student
dekat sini untuk cari duit lebih.
So, make sure you pose people!

My family and I just went to the toilet and 
we did do some window shopping.
But I think this place is famous for its 
sup sarang burung or bird nest soup.
I didn't try it though. 
100B per bowl if Im not mistaken. 

Barang dia a bit expensive bg aku.
Sebab aku tau dekat Hatyai Plaza 
you can get cheaper price.
You can bargain some more, but here..
You will only get a 20% discount card. 
Bleh la nak beli kalo bwk duit lebey tu.
Kalo dakkkkkkk.. Tangkap gambaq ja la...
Like we do... *Kecelekakkk* 
(bunyi kamera)

Barangan cenderahati/souvenir

I love the small "tuk-tuk" 
made from tin can.

Ni antara barang2 yang 
dijual dalam Nora Plaza...

Handbags~~~~~~~~~~~~ *.*,

Having fun~

 Daddy joinnnnnnn~
Modelling different 
type of caps and hats.
But I think mine is the best.
Bling-bling baby~!

Floating Market

Yihaaaa!! Yabedabedu~!
Food! Food! Food!

I really love it here.
All the foods are affordable.
I think most of it doesn't 
cost more than RM5/50B...
Pulut ayam is a bit pricey 
here compared to LGP.
Kalau dekat LGP 50B, here its 650B.
Maybe we choose the wrong stall.

Tapi kat cni famous dgn air 
dalam bekas tanah liat tu...
Suma antara RM2.00-2.50
/ 200B-250B...
Ada macam-macam bentuk.
Pilih sajaaaaa... 
Ada doraemon, ada bekas buluh, 
mickey mouse..
Menyampahnya satu ja, 
nak bwk balik bekas tu..
Kalau tak jaga elok2 pecah plak..

Abg tour guide kata, 
sini kalau nak jual makanan,
kena daftar dgn 
Jabatan Agama Islam dulu.
Spot check pun akan selalu dibuat.
Just to make sure 
all the foods are HALAL.
So, pakcik, makcik, kakak, 
abang dekat sini bukan la pakai
tudung and kopiah 
sekadar hiasan saja. 
Memang Islam la.

Sebab apa tau, 
masa pergi sini first time.
My sis and I ada beli hotdog 
yg digulung dlm roti telor.
Dekat abang dalam gambar kat atas.
Perghhhh sedap baq hang.
Tapi lepas mkn tu baru tpikiaq, 
halal ka dak?
Sebab ada satu bot ni, 
dia jual air saja,
tapi salah satu sign dlm bot tu tulis
"Pork Satay"
Tapi diterbalikkan. 
Macam dia jual dua 
benda dalam satu masa.

Risau mak nok... 
Nasib baik tour guide bagitau...
Kalo tak~~~ 
Keluor balik senah hotdognya!

Kat bawah ni antara 
makanan-makanan yang dijual
yang sempat di snap oleh my sister.
Ada yang tak tau pun
 apa benda yang depa ni jual.

 Quail egg/Telur burung puyuh ni 
makan dengan cili sos rasanya.
20B, ada 5 biji kalo tak salah.

 Ni otak-otak, besar kan. 
Ingatkan ikan bakor.
Tapi memang sedap.

 Makcik ni berniaga kacang poi. 
My favourite.
Sebungkus 20B. 
Masa bayar abah pijak perahu dia.
Berjoget-jogetla perahu makcik ni.
 (terumbang ambing giteww) 
Marah dia... "Oi! Oi!" 
Pastu dia berleter dalam bahasa dia.

 Akak sempoi ni tak tau la dia jual apa.
Tp sempat jugak dia posing. Torbaikkkkk~

 Tak tau jugak apa yang depa jual.
 Depa renyeh kita renyeh balik ja la.

 Sup daging/perut, tak ingat.

Azwa dan Yana, masihkah
 kau ingat kuih sedap ini?
Macam kuih cara tapi 
gula tabur atas. Sedap~
Termimpi-mimpi haaa~

Ada jugak kedai-kedai jual baju, 
handbag, kasut and cenderahati.

This is around 2011-2012. 
I can't remember.
Now there's more stall and shops. 
And its more happening then this. 

Antara semua, this is my favourite place.
Tapi nak pegi dia tak ingat jalan sangat.


Ok, we are already near the border. 
so arios amigos.
Sini paling famous dia
 pnya daging bakaq.
Sedap gak. Tapi gigi tak kuat, 
tak boleh makan byk..
satgi sakit gigi..
Gambaq pun tak dan nak snap.
Letak ja pinggan, 
semua serbu macam Piranha.

Sini jugak agak famous 
with their beras pulut, 
tilam toto, periuk belanga, 
pinggan mangkuk.
Sebagai seorang yang 
belum berkahwin, 
none of this things attract my attention 
except for the DAGING BAKAR.


This two bratz
Look like we have to sleep on the floor. Haish~!

Hotel dekat kawasan 
Hatyai ni banyak.
Most of the hotels are affordable.
Maybe around 1500B per night ja.
Tut-tut banyak kawasan ni.
So if you want to go to 
Lee Garden Plaza 
or the night market.
It will only cost 20B to 30B per head.

We've tried:-

YongDee Hotel Lee Garden Hotel
Hatyai Central Hotel
Grand Plaza Hotel
Lee Garden Plaza Hotel 
(diff price, it got more stars. Hihi)

Semua kitaorg puas hati.
Bukan 5 bintang tapi selesa 
dan walking distance 
dengan tempat-tempat
 shopping and makan.

Ok la. Dah enjoy-enjoy.
Time to go home already.
Sampai Danok. Ready-ready. 
Beratur untuk cop borderpass.
Maka balik la semula ke Alor Setar. 
Bye. I'll be missing you...*sing*

P/s: Most of us miss going 
back to Thailand, 
but since the bombing happened
at Danok and Hatyai recently. 
2 of our favorite place. 
It has cause my parent, 
not trusting us to go there anymore.
The day Lee Garden Plaza Hotel were bombed.
My parent stayed there. 
1 hour after their checkout,
 the bombing happen.
My mom is still traumatized by this.
Alhamdulillah my parent survive.

I just hope they finally find peace 
and no more surprise bombing 
that cost death to any innocent life.
~Peace No War~  

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